What is Pilates?

Pilates is a whole body exercise that focuses on strengthening, flexibility, co-ordination and breathing. This total body workout promotes muscle balance and postural awareness. It is therefore favoured by people who are especially interested in building strength in their back, core, hips, glutes and shoulders.

The Physio Centre Mountmellick provides weekly Pilates classes for women and men. We have also catered classes specifically for athletes and teenage girls (if interested in either of these please contact us to arrange private classes). The Physio Centre continues to run their weekly Womens Only and Mens Only classes during this with some alterations to comply with the current Covid-19 restrictions. Class sizes have been reduced to allow increased space between individual’s exercise area and sanitisation measures have increased. All classes need to be pre-booked we cannot cater for walk-ins at this time.

In order to cater for a wider clientele including some of our many loyal clients we have now developed online Pilates classes through Zoom. People can subscribe to these classes and join in a live class or alternatively opt to be sent a recording, so that they can do it at home at a time that suits you. The class links will last for 24hours.

Benefits of Pilates for Athletes – aids in athletic recovery, prehabilitation training, helps to improve posture, strengthens key areas of the body required for optimum athletic performance including, lower back, glutes and hips.